Friday, May 14, 2010

Immigration: Yes or No?

The blog “Arizona Immigration Policy and its Effects on the Race for Texas Governor” written by Thomas on Tuesday May 4,2010 is an interesting blog that discusses how policies of neighboring states could possibly effect the race for Texas Governor. I feel that this is a well written blog where the author uses several embedded links and direct quotes to support his opinions. The blog seems well researched and offers a variety of views from different sources. Thomas sticks to the point and details with examples how Arizona policies might affect the Texas election.

I found the article interesting because it highlights how with the passage of AZ SB 1070 Governor Perry is going to have to provide a stance on an issue that he has been avoiding for some time. It also brings to light how divided we are in Texas and what our election might be based this year. Typically either you are for or against abortion, health-care, etc… This year it will be you are either for or against strict immigration laws. It is unfortunate that people tend to focus and few main topics to decide who to vote for and not a body of work

Maybe stories of coyote shooting will distract voters from the real issues!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

What are you trying to accomplish Governor Perry?

I read an interesting article today on’s website, written by Jason Embry, which highlights a “Tall Tale” written by Sen. Kirk Watson. The tale written by Sen. Watson was absolutely hilarious, but what I found interesting is that it highlights the points Sen. Watson is trying to make with his tale.

If you haven’t followed the story Governor Perry recently released a statement that while running with his daughters puppy he had to shoot a coyote. Senator Watson makes a mockery of this story but brings up very interesting points through his mockery. What does all this have to do with Texas politics? That is exactly the point and at the same time it's the sad reality.

I’d like to start by asking some key points (some are mentioned in both articles). Who takes a jog early in morning carrying a pistol and not a cell phone? Why would you use a laser sighted pistol if you were trying to protect yourself from snakes? If you are the Governor of Texas and are concerned about snakes and coyotes why are you not accompanied by your security detail that gets paid nicely from our tax dollars? How do you run a routine morning jog at pace with a puppy (if you’ve ever owned a puppy you would know this is practically impossible)? Lastly and most importantly, if the incident didn’t have to be reported because “people shoot coyotes all the time, snakes all the time” then why announce it to the media?

The sad reality is that the only good reason why Governor Perry would tell such a story is for a chance of getting on a Presidential ticket. By telling a preposterous story about shooting a coyote while on a morning jog he will show authentic signs of conservative Republican values and it's a way for him to be the ordinary American. I consider myself an ordinary American and the last time I was packing while on my early morning jog was never and wild animals are the least of my worries. In America people vote for someone who they think they can relate too. No one wants to vote for the “egg head”. Shouldn’t candidates be chosen on their skills, education levels or experience? Why does shooting a coyote earn you brownie points and what does that have to do with running a country?

Why doesn’t Governor Perry put more effort into Texas and less effort into his run for Presidency? I wonder if they’ll let him carry his pistol on his runs around the White House?

Friday, April 23, 2010

Deny services to American Citizens?

The blog “Immigration” by jasonhol24 written on Tuesday April 13, 2010 discuss the controversial issue of immigration in America. Jasonhol24 writes his blog about an immigration article written by the Texas Tribune. I completely respect jasonhol23’s point of view, however I feel that this blog is not well researched and that some of the opinions expressed are not what it means to be an American.

To begin lets look at the history of the United States and of Texas. It wasn’t long ago that Texas belonged to Mexico, and Americans were immigrants to Mexico. Furthermore, we don’t live in the Republic of Texas but in the United States of America which was built on immigration. As an American I proudly believe in the inscription on the Statue of Liberty “Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!” Who are we to claim immigration as legal or illegal after the way Americans slaughtered and took this land away from Native Americans?

Focusing directly on Jasonhol24’s blog he states, “Don't come to America to work, get paid under the table, not pay taxes, send your money back to Mexico, and not contribute a single thing to society!” I agree that everyone should pay taxes, but instead of proposing to deny state services to undocumented workers and their AMERICAN-BORN (as in LEGAL AMERICAN CITIZENS) why not offer work visas. The people are already here. Hunting them down and sending them back only adds to our tax burden. The statement “and not contribute a single thing to society!” is something I strongly disagree with because illegal immigrants pay rent, buy food, purchase cars, and they pay sales taxes on everything they buy (maybe another reason to consider a fair tax system). Unlike outsourcing where the jobs and money goes directly to another country. I understand that providing services to undocumented works cost tax payers money, but no one gives accurate numbers. According to the article “Study: Illegal immigrants’ care costs state $677 million” some argue that reports are inflated and others argue that with sales tax contributions the services pay for themselves. I must say that spending $677 million a year for the health care of illegal immigrants who put money back into the American economy and do the jobs most people aren’t willing to do is nothing compared to how much we spend on the war which contributes nothing to U.S. economy not even oil.

Lastly, I don’t understand why speaking English has anything to do with providing state services to undocumented children. I must agree that the language of the United States is English and that as such everyone should make an attempt to learn English. However, denying services because you don’t know how to speak English is ridiculous. In several Texas cities there are entire neighborhoods with street signs written in Chinese. Once again the U.S. is built on immigration and was built as free country where people have the freedom of speech. Not freedom of speech in the English Language!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Texas Sues the Federal Government! What's Next Secession?

I can’t really say that I’m for or against health care reform. Growing up as a kid I lived in a border town and typically we would go to Mexico for any medical issues. What we pay for a co-pay today we paid for an entire doctors visit in Mexico. The co-pay on prescription drugs covered the entire cost of drugs in Mexico. As an adult I have been fortunate that either myself or my husband have worked for large corporations that provided us affordable benefits. Since I’ve never been in the shoes of the uninsured or under-insured I can’t really say whether this plan is positive or negative.

Based on what is presented in the news and from interactions with the people around me it seems obvious that health care needs to be reformed. There are numerous stories of people that are being dropped for no apparent reason even though they’ve paid their premiums for years. There is also the case of the Massachusetts reform, but like any political battle both sides claim negatives and positive. Some say that Massachusetts has the lowest uninsured rate in the nation. On the other hand there are claims that the cost of the system is bankrupting the state of Massachusetts. However compared to the cost of an unneeded war Health Care Reform may be a step in the right direction.

According to PolitiFact Texas there is a statement released by Governor Perry that he is joining forces with Attorney General Greg Abbott to sue the United States Government for the intrusions the US Government is placing upon Texas. Is health care reform really an intrusion on Texas taxpayers? Mandating health care is no different than mandating Social Security or Medicare tax and the goal is to save tax payers money in the long run by not having to take care of the uninsured in the future; Something that is is already done through hospital emergency room no refusal policy. The war in Iraq has cost tax payers a lot more then any projections proposed by health care yet I don’t recall Governor Perry or Attorney General Greg Abbott doing anything to prevent or stop the war.

I understand that the Texas Administration may object to the policies created by the Obama Administration, however is it really necessary to sue or attempt to sue the American Government? In the long run I feel this is more a waste of money and resources that should be concentrated on Texas policies. Health care reform is something that is needed and we should at least give it the benefit of the doubt. If Health Care Reform is not successful I’m sure the next republican president can eliminate the polices put in place by the Obama Administration.

Texas suing the US Government is just another way for the Texas Administration to show what their real intentions might be.

Friday, April 2, 2010

If you hate the U.S.A. you could move to Mexico!

The blog " 'We Hate the United States': Secessionists rally at Capitol while Perry stays home" written on August 29th, 2009 by Forrest Wilder of The Texas Observer is interesting and a bit shocking. The blog is very well written and Wilder manages to tell the entire story without adding his emotion or feelings until the end.

The blog is about an Anti-United States/Secession rally that was held out side of the Texas Capitol. Wilder does a great job of describing the event with a lot of detail and uses quotes from people on both sides of the rally. The author adds pictures, video and embedded links to support his article which makes the blog very credible.

Wilder does make a few comments directed at Governor Rick Perry for his previous secession comments, but in overall just provides details of the event. The author is very descriptive and pays attention to detail. You can really visualize the event, without looking at the videos or pictures that he provides.

I personally found the event shocking because the people at the event were so open to say that they hated the United States. I understand we have freedom of speech but comments such as, "'I hate that flag up there,' Kilgore said pointing to the American flag flying over the Capitol" feel like treason. It is one thing to be upset with your government or politicians but it's another thing when a person says they hate their country. If we lived in the Republic of Texas would they have the freedom of speech to say they hated Texas?

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

To Delay Justice Is Not To Prevent Justice

The article “Death row inmate entitled to delay for DNA tests” written on Monday, March 22, 2010 by the Editorial Board of the Austin American Statesman is a very interesting and well written article about Henry W. Skinner, a Texas inmate, who is due for execution on Wednesday March 24, 2010.

Capital punishment is a controversial issue in Texas, but the author manages to stay neutral on the issue and still get the point across. The author is stating that Skinner deserves a delay in his execution so that DNA evidence that was never tested can now be tested. The article seems well researched and provides detailed information about the occurrences of the Skinner case as well as details, examples, and dates of previous cases that are similar.

The author offers two examples of Capital Punishment cases to support his argument. In the Newton case the execution was delayed for DNA testing only to prove that Newton was still guilty and she was still executed less than a year later. In the case of Tim Cole DNA evidence cleared him 9 years after he died in prison.

The article is credible and hard to argue becuase the author uses direct quotes and exact dates. One of the more important quotes that he uses comes from Texas Governor Rick Perry, “Justice delayed in this case is not justice denied.” If DNA evidence still finds Skinner guilty then a delay in the execution does not stop justice but simply prevents a repeat of the Tim Cole case.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Isn't anti-Washington anti-American?

The article Texas Gov. Perry must win in Nov. before 2012 talk written by the Associated Press on March 7th 2010, while short, has some very interesting information.
The article discusses hypothetical ideas of what Governor Perry must do if he wants to earn a spot on the 2012 Republican presidential ticket. The article also briefly discusses the strategy Gov. Perry used to beat Sen. Hutchinson in the GOP primary.
What I found interesting about this article is that the Texas Governor elections haven’t even begun but there is already talk about what Gov. Perry needs to do in order to get on a presidential ticket. Is Gov. Perry’s campaign worried about Texas Policy or what would work best for Gov. Perry to become the President of the U.S.? What also sounds very interesting is that Gov. Perry’s campaign is using an “relentless anti-Washington message.” Maybe I don’t understand politics or government at all, but if you are anti-Washington aren’t you anti-American too? If Gov. Perry wins the next election with his anti-Washington campaign maybe he will accomplish the Secession he wanted all along!